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Last Updated January 4, 2024

Q: What is the difference between registering under the Bloomfield link VS. the Birmingham one? Would friends living in both cities be able to play together?
All leagues are open to players from any city.  Ages 2.5 -K, and 5th - 8th grade. You can register at either link.... people like to send funds back to their home community.  (where they live) A portion of the proceeds goes back into the schools. So basically, choose whichever you prefer.

Q: What is the cancellation/refund policy?
Cancellation Policy: Full refund up until the last day of registration. No refunds will be allowed after this date. This means you will NOT have the game schedule prior to determining if you need to cancel or not. If I allowed everyone to request a refund after the game schedule and team assignments, we would have teams with not enough players and would possibly corrupt the integrity of the league.
Q: Is flag football played inside or outside?
A: We play outside on turf field. On very infrequent occasions, we reserve the right to use a different location in case of field scheduling conflicts with the school district. Exception: The WINTER PROGRAMS that run Dec. - March, are indoors at South Hills MS, unless otherwise noted. 
Q: Who Can Play?
A: Bitty Blitzers Clinic is for ages 2.5- 3.5. Little Snappers Clinic is for ages 3.5 – 4.5. The SNAP Flag Football League is open to Girls and Boys, ages 4.5yrs. - 8th grade. We also have an All Girls High School League.  Participants from any city can register for any of our programs.  Contact to explain exceptions.

Q: How are Individual Players Placed on Teams?
A: This is VERY important to us and we go out of our way to make all players feel included. We are very creative on how we do this. If you are concerned, reach out to us and we can try and figure out a way to make this work. Most teams will have 7-10 players. This is a league designed to keep schoolmates and friends playing together.  Therefore, individuals are placed on teams determined by school, buddy request, and grade.  Our goal is for each elementary and middle school to have their own flag football teams. Teams are formed using a combination of the following criteria (listed in no specific order):
School affiliation
Current Grade/Age

Past teammates
Buddy/Coach Request (We try to accommodate requests however, refunds are not provided due to an unfulfilled request)

Q: If my child and his/her classmates do not have enough players to form a team? 
A: No worries! We will always try to keep classmates together but if needed we will combine players from other schools to form your team for the season.  

Q: Do we accept team registrations?
A: Usually, yes, but it depends on the situation. However, we do not like to be exclusive to any players and we do our best to not leave anyone out. Reach out for more info on our creative solutions on how to make this happen.

Q: How many teams can one school have?
A: As many teams that can be formed from each school by grade/age division will be accepted. Everyone who wants to play is welcome.  We will not turn any players away. 

Q: How many players are on a team?
A: Most teams have 7-10 players.  However, we do reserve the right to stretch these guidelines if the league deems necessary.  

Q: Can the team have additional practices during the week?
A: This is not something that the league sponsors so any additional practices outside of the one hour dedicated on game day is up to each individual family.  All families have committed to a single practice and game each week. 

Q: Does the league supply uniforms?
A: Every Flag Football player in our program receives an official NFL reversible team jersey with registration for a league. Little Snappers/Bitty Blitzers receive a t-shirt. Some teams choose to bring their own jerseys. Reach out to us if you are interested in doing so. 

Q: Who are the coaches?
A: Parent volunteers. The SFFL does not hire coaches. Parents (or volunteer high schoolers when necessary) will volunteer to coach their child’s team. No experience is necessary. We can help with training.  For more information contact Coach Genevieve at
Q: Who are the Referees?
A: Most, if not all, of our referees are players that have played in the league when they were younger.
Q: How much playing time can my child expect?
: All our programs promote participation, fun, and fundamentals. Coaches are required to fairly allocate playing time equally among all players on the team. We will do our best to ensure all players receive equal playing time.

Q: Is it safe?
A: SNAP Flag Football is absolutely non contact. It is considered one of the safer sports for young athletes.  Most kids do not end up playing tackle, the skills they learn in flag football translates across all sports!
Q: What do I get for my Registration Fee?
A seven-week season including practices, use of well-groomed fields, refereed games, NFL FLAG reversible team jersey, organized administration, and a lot of FUN for you and your child! Probably some new friends from the team as well.
 Q: What types of awards are given?
A: Awards will only be given to the winners of each 3rd-12th grade division.
Q: Do all flag football players need mouth guards?
 It is MANDATORY that all players are wearing a mouth guard before stepping on the field. For your convenience, we sell them for $6 at the welcome tent.
Q: How do I register?
 All of our registrations are taken online through our website
Q: How does the refund policy work?
 Full Refunds are available up to the last day of registration.

Q: Do you know a child who's eager to play but whose family may face financial challenges and struggle to cover the full registration fee? 
SNAP Flag Football believes every child should have the opportunity to participate. If you donate through Coach Genevieve’s Promise, your contribution will be matched. Reach out to to discuss donation options confidentially.